Sunday Morning Worship Live at 11 am!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Continuing On....

Tomorrow we will resume "The 20 Blessings of Christ". We are working our way down the list to understanding what God has already blessed us with and being able to give thanks for those blessings. Most times, we think that are blessings should have a monetary value, but His blessing consist of what money can't buy and gives a greater satisfaction to our lives and a purpose. I can't wait for tomorrow. See you there! Sunday School at 10 am and Worship Service at 11am. The men will meet for prayer at 10:45 am in the Juniors Sunday School room.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Thoughts

We had a wonderful turnout and a blessed time at the church retreat this weekend. We started out with a documentary on the Occult and finished with smores, singing and preaching around the campfire. The message was from Psalm 35. The message was centered around David's experiences and how it seems you can be as nice as possible to people, but that doesn't mean that you'll get the same response back. We woke up Sunday morning at Mt. Moriah and had an enormous breakfast of biscuits and gravy, eggs, sausage, bacon, etc. Afterwards we met in the tabernacle for Sunday morning worship and preached about unity and the importance of working together (Eccl ch. 4). Needless to say, we had a wonderful time and look forward to doing it again next year.
If you are looking for a home church you ought to try us out. It's important to find a place to worship and be established in what you believe, and to be happy and feel at home in the place you choose. I hope peace finds you wherever you are. God bless.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Retreat This Weekend

I am so geared up right now for our church retreat tomorrow at Mt. Moriah. Remember that our Sunday morning service will be held at the camp. God has laid a few messages on my heart for this event and I'm so excited to see what God brings to us this weekend. This retreat is to help foster your growth, realize there is help, and find peace within the household of faith. Sometimes we need to get away and help build up the Body of Christ to strengthen the house of God. If we are not strong, encouraged, excited, and steadfast we become of no effect to the lives within our community. Hopefully you are as excited as I am and looking forward to our time together. I love you all, but remember that most of all, God loves you. God Bless.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday Night Hint

Some of you really like getting hints about the message God has lay on my heart, so I will continue to post these hints. The Bible teaches us that there are 3 that bear witness in heaven and 3 that bear witness in earth. Are they different? Are they the same? We'll talk more tomorrow night at 6:30. God bless.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pride Comes Before the Fall

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